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Starting with Sourdough


Let's focus on living simply with nature. Food from scratch, herbal remedies, and doing it yourself.

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about me

I'm Jo, and I started my wellness journey in 2022 when Covid hit, making more things from scratch and dabbling in growing herbs and food. At the beginning of the year, I started my sourdough journey, and ever since I've been so passionate about living more naturally and simple.

starting with sourdough


Welcome, free spirits, to a place where the rhythm of nature guides our journey and sustains our way of life. "Starting with Sourdough" is not just a blog; it's a journey of mindful simplicity and self-sufficient living.

In this modern world, it's easy to lose touch with nature. But here, amidst these digital pages, we rediscover the timeless wisdom of living in harmony with nature. Whether you're a lazy homesteader, a seasoned homesteader, or curious about this way of life, this page is for you.

Together, we'll learn how to tread lightly on the earth while nurturing our bodies and souls. Together, we can create a world where sustainability is not just a buzzword, but a way of life and second nature. So come on, and let us embark on this journey together. The table is set, the fire is lit (without matches), and the bounty of nature awaits. Welcome to "Gridless Lifestyle."
